Kamis, 23 Februari 2012

Global Youth Culture

globalization is the formations of spaces in which economies, technologies, policies, things and bodies from different places intermingle. “Global youth culture” is the transdisciplinary category by which theorists and policy analysts attempt to understand the emergence of the complex forms of hybrid culture and identity that increasingly occur amongst youth throughout the world due to the proliferation of media like film, television, popular music, the Internet and other information and communication technologies (ICTs) in their everyday lives. another statement said that Global youth claim space through pleasure, somewhat in the fashion

This potential for global media to enlist youth as agents for the cultural logic of advanced capitalist states has led some theorists to criticize global youth culture as dangerously ethnocentric and imperialist. now, many technologies that make our life become more easier and we can save our time and our energy, but sometimes youth generation use it over and make them become more individualist because they can everything easily without having no interaction with another peaple (e.g : internet, smartphone,etc). While television and radio remain the most powerful and pervasive media in the lives of most global youth, the Internet is often supplanting them as a primary influence and will continue to do so under institutional frameworks that push for the further development of a “wired” world that is both global village and global mall.

now, global youth culture according to my oppinion exspecially in Indonesia global youth culture influenced  from the western and korean lifestlye...

3 komentar:

  1. yupz.. now indonesian people mostly fashion from western and korean styles...

  2. so we must selecting the style or culture that suitable with our country....

  3. yapz...become fasionable update is good,,but must remember about our eastern culture..
