Kamis, 23 Februari 2012

Global Youth Culture

globalization is the formations of spaces in which economies, technologies, policies, things and bodies from different places intermingle. “Global youth culture” is the transdisciplinary category by which theorists and policy analysts attempt to understand the emergence of the complex forms of hybrid culture and identity that increasingly occur amongst youth throughout the world due to the proliferation of media like film, television, popular music, the Internet and other information and communication technologies (ICTs) in their everyday lives. another statement said that Global youth claim space through pleasure, somewhat in the fashion

This potential for global media to enlist youth as agents for the cultural logic of advanced capitalist states has led some theorists to criticize global youth culture as dangerously ethnocentric and imperialist. now, many technologies that make our life become more easier and we can save our time and our energy, but sometimes youth generation use it over and make them become more individualist because they can everything easily without having no interaction with another peaple (e.g : internet, smartphone,etc). While television and radio remain the most powerful and pervasive media in the lives of most global youth, the Internet is often supplanting them as a primary influence and will continue to do so under institutional frameworks that push for the further development of a “wired” world that is both global village and global mall.

now, global youth culture according to my oppinion exspecially in Indonesia global youth culture influenced  from the western and korean lifestlye...

Senin, 13 Februari 2012

komunitas yaaa....

kali ini pakai bahasa indonesia dulu ahhhh....sesuai temanya "mencintai kebudayaan sendiri"..=)

yang pertama,,,emang sih...tiap negara/ daerah punya berbagai kebudayaan atau kebiasaan sendiri...dan tidak ada yang sangat baik dan tidak ada yang sangat buruk.....karena itu relatif..darimana kita melihatnya...setuju??

kita memang harus mencintaidan  menghargai kebudayaan kita sendiri...tapi tidak berartik ita menjadi fanatik dan bersikap ekstim kepada kebudayaan lain....entah itu kita menganggabb ahwa budaya kita itu buruk atau baik...kita harus bisa menempatkan diri sebagai pribadi yang bertenggang rasa dan cinta damai..jangan hanya gara- gara beda pandangan mengenaibu daya kita jadi bermusuhan dengan pihak- pihak lain...Tak perlu jauh- jauh dengan luar negeri ..sesama bangsa indonesia pun masih banyak yang mempermasalahkan SARA dan menganggap bahwa komunitas mereka itu lebih baik dari yang lainnya.....menurut saya kita tidak harus bersikap fanatik tetapi cobalah ambil sisi positif dari kebudayaan lain...=)

yang kedua, jadi bagian dari komunitas tertentu itu juga menyenangkanlh o..apalagi kita bergabung dengan komunitas yang mempunyai kesamaan hobi dan tujuan dengan kita. hem.....tapi diakhir tugas ini kita harus join dengan komunitas baru yang kita belum pernah masuk didalamnya....hem.....mungkin ada teman2ku disana yang mau ngajakin aku gabung dikomunitas kalian?????

Kamis, 02 Februari 2012

open dialouge with native speaker

on february 1st 2012 we have an open dialouge class with native speaker from Canberra (Australi).....her name is Kirrilly..=)

she shared many things about Australi, and also her experience in Indonesia...

in Australi many people study Indonesian, Spanish, and Japanese. she has been studying Indonesian since on Her Junior High School. the reason why many Australian study Indonesian because Indonesia is the closest neighbort than another country. The most interesting place in Australi is Quensland because there is many Gold coast.
in Australi there are no traditional music, traditional dance or traditional food (because Australi is a modern country), but there is Aborigin people that have traditional  culture, and sometimes Australi borrow from them...
the stereotype about Australian are :
  • Australian is not really friendly
  • Australian very individual
  • Australian generally on time
  • Australian not really work a helicopter
  • Australian is gosiper
the education in Australi actually not really different with education in Indonesia, the differences only the fee and the school subject. In Australi if we go to public school, we not need to pay anything. In primary school the school subject only 6-7 subject. every year they have 3 mounth holiday. 

she Share about her culture shock when she come to Indonesia. the first is when every morning she heard the Azan voice in mosque (Azan subuh), she can't sleep if she heard the voice and feel distrubing. second, when she visited Bali she saw that the beach is dirty. and the third is when she visited traditionalmarket (Blotongan market, Salatiga) she feel amazed that all the things sold in one place (fruit, meat, vegetable, etc), because in Australi the seller not put meet in the market. but she also feel hapy to go to the market, because she not need to bargain with the seller, because she think that the price is already cheep (cheaper then in Australi). her favourite food is rendang. she thought that indonesia is a beautifull country with very nice people.

foreigners love Indonesia...so we as Indonesian should be REALLY proud to be Indonesian...right???

Deragatory words

These 'derogatory' words are used when you want to criticise someone for being too much of the good adjective.

I wanna share about deragatory word about punkers (anak punk).....
In generally when we see "punker" we usually give a bad impression about them....because from the performances they not really nice to looked.....their clothes...their hair...and many things other seems ugly...=)
most of their activities  just like to sit arround doing nothing (
nongkrong)...beg while singing playing musical instruments (ngamen)...and some of them do crimes to get money from the other.....=)

it's just general impression about "punker"..but not all all that impression is right....
people free to choose their own style.........and don't judge book from the cover...so don't judge people from the physical performence...

so..let's your turn share your oppinion...=)

second posting "stereotype"

Hard worker is the stereotype of Japanese People
Stereotype arise as a way of explaining or justifying different group. This strereotype arise because of lack of exposure to another group, culture, etc or we saw this in a movie or TV.
Now, I’ll share about my oppinion about Japanese people in general.  Javanese people have as a slogan “Aton- aton waton kelakon”  it’s has same meaning witht “slowly but sure”. But it’s really contrast with Japanese people. If we look Japanese people  on a TV,  movies or if we read about Japanese people in a newspaper or magazine, most of them  are hard worker and discipline. Most of Japanese people prefer to walk then riding vehicles. From the way they walks, they walks faster then another people. Japanese  people also creative to make something new. Let’s see around us, there are many things (electronics or non electronics tools) that written “Made in Japan”. It’s mean that Japan produce many things that we used in our daily live, Such as : motorcycle, TV, DVD, Car, Handphone, and many things other.